Called 2 Love: Like Jesus
Called2Love: Like Jesus is designed to bring a fresh perspective on what it means to love Jesus and people. This course will cover:
Ministry and life purpose flow out of a common center—first through our intimate relationship with Jesus and then through caring connections with spouse and family.
Loving like Jesus begins with our experience of his love for us. Loving like Jesus means embracing your identity as the “Beloved of Jesus!”
As we experience and embrace Jesus’ love for us, the next step is to express our love for him.
Loving your neighbors means loving your near ones—those closest to you.
Loving your church and other followers of Jesus is an expression of the depth of love you’ve experienced in the first three inner circles.
When we have experienced an abundant love with Jesus, out of gratitude, we’ll be moved to share God’s love on mission.
What is “Whole–life” Discipleship?
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I come so that they would have life, and have it abundantly”
(John 10:10).
In “Whole–life” discipleship, the focus of John 10:10 broadens from only focusing exclusively on faith to including other dimensions of “abundant life” or flourishing such as relationships, wellness, vocation, and finances.
This course was created to help you flourish in your faith! For more faith focused courses, click on one of the course titles below!