Father, bless your servants, the pastors of your churches. May they continually sense your presence. May each of them feel your proximity as they ministry to your people and accomplish your will daily. May they know their their work is entirely in your hands as they love your children, both the committed and the uncommitted.
— Tom Phillips
Executive Director, Billy Graham Library
Lord Jesus, fill the harvesters in the field with a zealous, overflowing love for you. May you daily renew in them a love for your people and those who might come to know you. Fill them with your Spirit–to speak as you would speak, to serve as you would serve, and to love as you have first loved us. Heavenly Father, give your servants joy in the work that you have prepared for them to do, bestowing riches that only you can give, blessing them with peace that only you can bring.
–Samuel Rodriguez
President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference