
Helping pastors to flourish in experiencing "life and life abundant" with wisdom and courage as they lead thriving churches, who are transforming their communities and the world with the gospel.

About Us...

Whole-life Discipleship

What is “Whole–life” Discipleship?

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I come so that they would have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

In “Whole–life” discipleship, the focus of John 10:10 broadens from only focusing exclusively on faith to including other dimensions of “abundant life” or flourishing such as relationships, wellness, vocation, and finances.

Select a topic to access sermons, sermon starters, and articles centered around each Whole-life Discipleship dimension.






Resources for Flourishing Pastors


Care4Pastors Online Monthly Newsletter

We know that ministry can be challenging. We know ministry combined with marriage and family can be difficult at times to navigate. We know that as a pastor, you want to serve God, your family, and your church well. You want to flourish and we are here to support you in that effort.

C4P sends out a monthly newsletter with relevant articles, sermons, and resources to help pastors flourish in their ministry and personal life. We hope you will take advantage of these FREE resources to support you on the journey!

CLICK HERE to subscribe to the C4P monthly newsletter

Concentric Circles of Leader Care

 The Concentric Circle Model of Ministry reflects the heart of Care4Pastors' partners and has shaped the strategies and resources we provide to help Pastors flourish.

As a spiritual leader, there are important areas to which only you can give careful attention. Think of these relationships, which require your careful cultivation and spiritual growth, as ever expanding concentric circles. These circles of leader-care are based on our Lord's Great Commission and Great Commandment, for Great Commission living is empowered by Great Commandment love. This concentric circle model of ministry reflects the heart of Care4Pastors' partners and has shaped the strategies and resources we provide.

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