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A collection of resources for growing your church younger from a recent Imagine Leadership Summit

God is calling His people to Great Commission living empowered by Great Commandment love

(Mt. 28:19–20, 22:37–40).

  • The videos were captured from a recent Imagine Leadership Summit at Grace Church in Akron, OH, a multi-site congregation of 10,000+ where the average age is just 29 years old!
  • The books are engaging reads that challenge us all towards a way of thinking and relating that can grow the church younger.

Watch this introduction to David Ferguson and the Great Commandment Network now.

Watch this introduction to Jeff Bogue and Grace Church in Akron, OH now.

Access the rest of these exclusive videos and associated training materials by clicking here.


Be sure to use the promo code provided by GlooConnect.

Imagine Connecting with the

Heart of God


Imagine Connecting with the

Heart of God


Imagine People

Connecting with Each Other


Imagine People

Connecting with Each Other


Imagine Your Preaching

Connecting with People


Imagine Your Preaching

Connecting with People


Imagine Your Church

Connecting with the Lost


Imagine Your Church

Connecting with the Lost


5 Assumptions

About God

Targeted toward the mind and heart of the Millennial generation this book asks and answers:

  • Who is God? What is He like?
  • Is He angry and aggressive?
  • Maybe He's just interested in punishing people.
  • Does He care for the weak or sick?
  • Does God really hate homosexuals and Muslims?
  • How does God view me?

Living Naked

Do you sometimes feel unsure where your life is going?

Do you wonder what the deeper meaning in life is all about?

Would you like to live an extraordinary life?

  • Become free to be yourself without fear of shame or rejection
  • Break down the barriers to true relational connection with others
  • Unleash the power that can only be described as extraordinary
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