Sam Warren
Kevin began his ministry in 1981 as a member of The Spurrlows, an evangelistic music group from Florida. Kevin enjoys singing, playing the trombone, and Cycling. He has served in the local church as Youth Pastor, Minister of Music, and Senior Pastor.
Kevin and his wife, Denise moved to Cleveland, Tennessee in July of 1988.
In September of 2003, the Mendel’s organized the Grace Community Church of God in Cleveland, TN where Kevin currently serves as pastor. This exciting congregation is impacting the Kingdom of God as they fulfill their motto: “Love God, Love People, Transform Your World”.
In addition to serving as pastor, Kevin is the Chaplain Coordinator for the City of Cleveland Police Department, and Chaplain for Chick-Fil-A Cleveland.
Kevin holds two master’s degrees, a Master of Arts in Church Ministries from the Church of God Theological Seminary, a Master of Theological Studies from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, and is currently working on a doctorate (DMin).
The Mendel’s have two children, Mark 33, and Allison 28.