Discover the secrets of a really great marriage by experiencing a simple but profound way of relating to your partner that can lead to enjoying marriage for a lifetime!
Identify key relational needs and principles in order to better express your love.
Discover the secrets to healing hurts, building trust, and deepening communication.
Gain the tools for resolving the inevitable conflict that arises in every marriage.
Experience ways to have an intimate marriage—spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Walk through this workbook with your spouse (or spouse to be) and you will see your relationship grow deeper and more enjoyable.
Coming soon in Spanish!
We offer FREE, live workshops on a regular basis through Relational Values Alliance! Some are in-person and others are online.
You can also choose to go through a series of guided videos at your own pace. Afterwards you will be able to sign up for a FREE virtual session with a relationship coach.
***These workshops are approved by Twogether in Texas. This means if you live in Texas
you may be eligible for a $60 discount on your marriage license***
Our Facilitators' Training courses…
Now available in Spanish!